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Our information is classic. It won’t go out of style. It won’t go out of date.

Conversation Between Colleagues

“Leadership and learning are indispensible to each other.”

President John F. Kennedy

Committed to helping create outstanding leaders, TRIALITY is honored to help our clients reach sustainable, positive, adaptive change.


Personality Paradigms
for more Effective Leadership

From the warrior-king Gilgamesh of Mesopotamian myth to Hypatia of Alexandria, from Merlin the Magician to the Priests of dynastic Egypt, and their Goddess-Queen Isis….


The 5 archetypal Paths of the Warrior, Scientist, Magician, Clergy, and Lover offer insights and guidance for your own personal development as well understanding group dynamics and selecting a successful team.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

These 5 classic ArchePaths are valuable character profiles for understanding the dynamics guiding yourself and others, and learning how to more effectively engage with others, no matter what Level or what Approach they are on in any particular Path.


ArchePaths are part of the deeper teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. They include and enhance the regular archetypes. In this system, the Paths a person follows are about a style of being, a type of approach to life. So if you’re familiar with archetypes, do know that any archetype can follow any of the ArchePaths.


Learn about the 3 Levels of each Path, along with their 3 Approaches. Gain practical knowledge on using the ArchePaths in your Leadership and Team Building.  


Learn to understand how others think, feel, and react.

From a Macedonian foot soldier, to camp followers, to squad leaders, to a military engineer, to Alexander the Great….


Each operated from a different and specific Center of Motivation.


Leaders make effective use of the Ageless Wisdom to affect the minds and emotions of others: to improve communication, to challenge, to motivate, to inspire.

"As engaged leaders, we must know those we lead—and that means more than a boot size and a PT score. Take the time to learn what motivates Soldiers and what de-motivates them."  

           SMA Raymond F. Chandler III

An important challenge for all Leaders is to understand the unique personalities of those they lead. Learn the classic Centers of Motivation or Chakras (actual physical centers in our bodies that have psychological and philosophical expressions) to understand how others think, feel, and react.


Learn how to tailor your communication to reach people at their Centers of Motivation and thus inspire dynamic interactions among your Team. 


Motivate, combine, and transform your Team using the Centers of Motivation and tap into the power of mythic Leaders.


Integrity... Consequences... Accountability...

These all matter, all the time. Always have and always will!

From the Samurai Code of Bushido to Black Elk of the Oglala Lakota…. From Greek General Alcibiades to Hildegard von Bingen….   


Ethics have played a major role in outstanding Leadership and are essential in a fractious world.

“Leaders must always set the highest standard. In a summer campaign, leaders must always endure their share of the sun and the heat and, in winter, the cold and the frost. In all labors, leaders must prove tireless if they want to enjoy the trust of their followers.”
      Xenophon, Cyrus the Great: The Arts of Leadership and War

Ethics isn’t just for other people. You have to lead the way, you have to be seen as being ethical. You have to be the higher inspiration for your organization. If you are not, it subverts everything else you’re trying to do.


What can the classics tell us about the practical value of ethics? Mostly that they matter. A lot. Many individuals, organizations, and cultures have failed because of corruption, arrogance, a loosening of standards, and greed.


Using examples from ancient to modern times, we can see that ethical choices, though sometimes difficult initially and which often meet resistance, are ultimately the best way to go for strength, integrity, and endurance.


Utilize the Rhythm of Cycles—be it for business, society,

human nature, nature, science, or the cosmos—

to become more effective in your own Creative Process.

Egyptian architect Imhotep, Leonardo do Vinci, the Phoenician trading empire, and NASA….


All mastered the Creative Process in their innovations and inventions, their campaigns and explorations.

“Long and careful deliberation promises great safety in war, whereas hasty and impetuous generals usually commit serious blunders.”

            The Emperor Maurice, The Strategikon

From initial inspiration through brainstorming, research, writing, polishing, budgeting, pitching, staffing, production, marketing, and distribution – increase the power of your creativity with these timeless, practical tools once mainly taught only in the secret Mystery Schools, as Aristotle did for Alexander the Great.


  • Leaders value and establish the creative process

  • Leaders select and empower creators

  • Leaders support and encourage creative actions

  • Leaders promote and enhance the creation


Explore the Stages of the Creative Process.


Learn about timing and order, balancing emotions and mind, the power of silence, the fine art of collaboration, celebration, and moving on. Gain insights on the specific pitfalls of each stage and how to avoid them.


Now you too can work with the cycles of creativity to become much more efficient and effective. 


Beliefs Rule Behavior

From vampires in the jungles of the Philippines to eclipses and maritime defeats in the Peloponnesian Wars…. From Conquistadores in Mezo- and South America to African Cauldrons of Invincibility….


A people’s belief informs their actions and knowing those beliefs can work to your advantage.

“Contemporary man has rationalized the myths, but he has not been able to destroy them.”

            Octavio Paz

Familiarity with a people's mythos, or religion and customs, goes a long way towards being able to predict aspects of their ethos, or behavior.


When an individual, an organization, or a people embrace their mythology so fervently that it becomes their ethos, problems can often arise, as is evident with the religious fundamentalism, identity politics, and separatism that currently plagues the globe. 


Even when on peaceful, collaborative, commercial missions it is vital to understand other peoples’ belief system, culture, style, and methods in order to more effectively engage with them.


For Adaptive Leadership in any Organization

From Briton Queen Boudicca to Carthaginian General Hannibal and Admiral Nelson, an understanding of the appropriate sphere of influence is vital for victory.

“Strategy without Tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without Strategy is the noise before defeat.”
     Sun Tzu,  The Art of War

Leadership involves assessment not only of greater goals and unforeseen consequences, but also the resources available, the timeline, and the potential resistance and blow-back.


Leaders need reliable ways to determine what is Relevant vs. Irrelevant, Trivial vs. Important, Motivating vs. Limiting, Short-Range vs. Long-Range.


Applying the time-tested paradigms of Strategy, Operations, and Tactics – an awareness of the nested and inter-acting fields of scope and influence on any endeavor - can greatly increase your organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.


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